It was a great morning on the golf course! Thank you for playing with us this year!

First, a big shout out to all of you… with your generosity we collected over $1000 for the charity 100 Fold this morning. If you want any additional info on 100 Fold, you can check them out here: — Or you can follow them on facebook:
No one can help everyone, but everyone can help someone.
And without further ado, here are the winners of today’s golf tournament…
A Flight
1st: Eldon Combs, Chris Hanner, Kirk Stringer, Tyler Foster
2nd: Jimmy Roe, Craig Casady, Dave McQuerter, Craig Linson
3rd: Jim Barnes, Luke Edwards, Alan Edwards, Terry Myers
B Flight
1st: Gary Arnall , Jeff Grevillius, Joe Wilkinson, Tom Letterman
2nd: Tim Leek, Jason Mohler, Jeremy Montgomery, Ryan Zeller
3rd: Greely Kirkpatrick, DJ Johnson, Steve McCrea, Ryan Dooms
C Flight
1st: Eric Purvis, Chad Jameson, Billy Davis
2nd: David Dawley, Dave Cooper, Ron Cummins, Gordon Dawley
3rd: Gaylord Moore, Pete Owens, Keith Cheek, Gary Keltner
Longest Drive #7: Robert Culver
Longest Drive #18: Alan Edwards
Closest to Pin #8: Rick Kroutil
Closest to Pin #15: Jim Barnes
Team Captains can stop by Holmes & Griffeth and pick up their team’s prizes. Individual winners can also stop by and pick up their prizes. We will be reaching out to winners individually, as well. (Please note: Due to the City’s current COVID mask ordinances, our office lobby is currently closed, so when you stop by, just call 887-1272 and we will bring them to you curbside. Thanks!)